Carrying out a questionnaire survey of Murmansk citizens about international travelling on their holidays and the knowledge and image of the Region of Oulu in North Finland, for Oulu University of Applied Sciences Ltd.;
Research on basic conditions of raw prawn export to Norway and finished prawn product import to Russia;
Corruption social research in Murmansk city;
Planning and doing field work on the project "Monitoring of factors influencing your choice of a mobile operator" by request of "ROMIR Monitoring", Moscow;
Planning and doing field work on the project "Cyber Money" by request of "ROMIR Monitoring", Moscow;
Organization of a focus-group for making a social political portrait of Murmansk region;
Review of work of fuel companies in Murmansk region. Analysis of advertising strategies;
Questionnaire survey by request of a shopping center "Fratti";
Checking the client servicing at the car sales center KIA Citroen;
Checking the client servicing at the bank DnB NOR Monchebank and the national bank TRUST;
Checking the quality of services at the gaz station network Rosneft;
Evaluation of the quality of service at the pharmacies “36,6”;
Finding sales channels for a brewery "Piligrim";
Evaluation of the quality of work of the dealer and service center Renault;
Monitoring of a cosmetics store network.
International project coordination
Coordination and management of Russian-Norwegian project "Establishment of alternative or complementary commerce solutions for enterprises in the Barents Region" in cooperation with Tromsø Consulting Group AS and Nutra of Norway AS, financed by Kolarctic Norge;
Investors searching and business plan development for establishment of a cod liver canning plant in Båtsfjord, Norway;
Startup web-portal about Russian and Norwegian fish industry, and its information support;
Coordination of an international project "New Horizons 2013-2014", initiated by participants of the Joint Working Group on Culture of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region, which is a part of the Programme Kolarctic ENPI CBC;
Making a database on fish catching, cold storage, export/import operations on the territory of Northwestern Russia for a Norwegian company "CAPIA";
Coordination of a Russian-Norwegian project "Most Talantov" ("The Bridge of Talants") initiated by a Norwegian football club of major league the TIL, Tromsø, Norway;
Realization of a Russian-Norwegian project between the newspapers "Vecherny Murmansk" and "Sor-Varanger Avis";
Coordination of a Russian-Norwegian co-project "Murmansk port as a market for deep-sea products from the Northern Part of Norway".
Organizing events, exhibitions and fairs
Organisation of a Russian-Norwegian forum "The future young leaders of the Barents region" in Murmansk;
Organisation of international conferences "Barents Women Without Borders (BWWB)";
Participation in the arrangement of a Russian-Norwegian project "Business-Safari" initiated by the company SIVA IM;
Arrangement of a Russian-Norwegian project "Business Train" developed by SIVA IM;
Arrangement of a Russian-Norwegian project "Crazy Innovation";
Planning of events regarding the exhibition "Kola Partnership", and arrangement of a press-conference for Uralgeomash ZAO;
Arrangement of a seminar "Burning issues of the policy of court in the Northwestern Region" by request of KA Spb Legal Business Board;
Organisation of a three-day seminar initiated by KFO, a Norwegian association of workers, children and the youth.
Other events
Arrangement of promo-actions for the company "Sotelit";
Planning, organization, monitoring an advertising campaign for OOO "Statoil-Nefto";
Merchandising arrangement for perfumeries "Ile de Beaute";
Advertising campaigns for "Scania" in Murmansk and Murmansk region;
Strategic media planning of an advertising campaign for OOO "Statoil-Nefto";
Promo-actions for OOO "Mobile Tele Systems" in five cities of Murmansk region;
Events planning regarding the sales promotion at the store "Kaparol";
Project support "Web-technologies" financed by "Interreg".